An inspiring quote by Henri Matisse , the unconditional love for art

" An artist should never be a prisoner of himself, prisoner of style, prisoner of reputation, prisoner of success. "     by - Henri Matisse

Quote like this reminds us the values of human life, it's not only important for an artist but for all of those who are trapped by the test  of success or reputation. In this illusionary world it is hard to understand or rather I should say hard to overcome our inner challenges that is conflicts ,loosing reputation, style, fan following or earnings etc . Wise people like Matisse guide us for not to be a prisoner of ourselves , if our soul is dominated by fear of losing success then we may block our abilities of welcoming new ideas, we stop experiment and  slowly slowly start accepting or groom our brain that we are capable of doing up  to certain limitations,we start measuring our capacity and expect miracles.
I'm a great admirer of Henry Matisse, his contribution is great, his works are never ending source of  inspiration, his life is an example to us of how to live our passion unconditionally.
I feel this quote artist should never forget ,it will help us to remain an original artist. 


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